Sunday, March 27, 2011


Freedom and Change are in the air - let go of old ideas......♥

Today allow yourself to experience and feel a new version of your life. Even if you can't see any evidence of it now - know in your heart it is there and you will rendezvous with it very soon.♥

Image: Heaven on Earth by Toni Carmine Salerno

Friday, March 25, 2011

Be kind to yourself

Loving yourself means to accept yourself as you are - right here, right now. Loving yourself means to step outside of guilt - only when you feel good about your self can you express humility and help others. The greatest gift you can give to another is to open to their love for you. Please know how much you are loved.♥

Image: Rainbow Wings by Toni Carmine Salerno

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Meditation Class

Drop in Meditation class tonight 7pm $12.
Tonight we will be "Cutting the ties that bind."
Free yourself from all the various layers of false identity and security that hold you back and keep you bound to the past.

Today say to yourself -I participate actively in my transformation. I listen to myself as my feelings tell me when I am ...holding on, when I am being rigid and resistant . I feel the difference when I let go and allow the energy of transformation to carry me forward into freedom.

Image: By Toni Carmine Salerno

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Higher Self

Your higher self is the part of you that looks over and observes your other parts. When you raise your vibration, you will view, sense and feel your life through the eyes and feelings of your higher self. In this place you can then start to see every single part of you is and has a gift for you and is always there as a friend.♥

Image: Heaven on Earth by Toni Carmine Salerno

Monday, March 21, 2011


We are one and connected to all. Everything, person, place and situation has a core of unconditional love that is calling you to your heart, your essence, your soul. May this Supermoon iluminate the love instead of fear.♥

Today is Mabon the Autumn equinox. This energy gives you an opportunity to balance and embrace all parts of yourself as you let go of any barriers and obstacles that have been holding you back from you.♥

It is time to review and contemplate all I have accomplished and created. It is time to let go - I honour all that I have done. Whatever I have created, whatever I have accomplished, I will no longer cling to it.....I let it go.... I move on, in order to create more- accomplish more.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Full Moon in Virgo

FULL MOON IN VIRGO AUST EST 5.10am March 20th, GMT 6.10pm March 19th - When the moon is closest to the Earth: 6.20am EST AUST, 7.20pm GMT 19th.

A full moon brings about completion, release and celebration, Illuminating your inner world and deepest desires. Feel the energy of this Virgo Moon move you beyond your fears and disharmony and allow your divine wisdom, love and power to illuminate how you can be of true service to yourself and others.

Honour and love who you are in your body and move beyond the fear and limitations you hold about being in it. All is possible and all is one - feel this super moon illuminate and celebrate the eternal you.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Today, at this very moment, open yourself and accept healing light and love from the Universe. It is eternal, present in all - eager for you to receive. Be bathed in shimmering light - feel or see it as a colour, a sound or a symbol. As it moves and merges with you, allow a sense of peace and calm to become your main focus as you crea...te and move through the day. ♥♥♥

Image: Om by Toni Carmine Salerno

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Meditation Classes

Drop in Meditation class tonight 7pm $12. Tonight we will be "Gaining a Soul/Higher Perspective"-Join with your soul to view your life from its perspective so you can experience more of your soul's purpose, rhythm, and light in your life.
Image: Merkaba by Izzy Ivy

Healing for japan

This request came to my Reiki Master Martine Salerno and I send it on.

My Name is Yuko.
We had the biggest earthquake we had ever experienced in Japan. While we are still not sure about the exact magnitude of the damage caused by the earthquake, it is expected that the damage would be the worst in the history of natural disasters in Japan.

I am now asking Reiki masters in Japan to pray for the help and support for those suffering from the earthquake and for the victims, at the same time as World Peace Meditation - at 19:30 on 16th of March. Y&Y Healing Center will have a prayer session at that time.

I would appreciate if you could also ask Reiki masters world-wide to send the light of Reiki to the earthquake-affected area of Japan.

I wish many will join the prayer meditation and share the intention.

Yuko Okamoto
Y&Y Healing Center
Y&Y ヒーリングセンター 〜レイキ&ヒーリング〜
Image is Yuko Okamoto Reiki Master Teacher

A message from the Universe - Let go and have faith for I will take you where you want to be.♥

Monday, March 14, 2011

Psychic Circle

Tonight our Psychic Circle will be exploring Dreams - bring a dream with you so we can explore the messages coming to you. From 7pm to 9pm Cost is $20.00 All levels are welcome. Psychic ability is the creative application of human intuition. The evenings are designed to assist you to fine tune and tap into your inner voice.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Listen to the deeds of Kuan Yin
Eternally Divine and wonderful
With great vows, deep as the ocean,
She saves all the suffering when their cries reach her.
Serving the innumerable,
She never fails to answer their prayers
Even through inconceivable periods of time.
Responding compassionately on every side.
Giving great, clear and pure vows
To hear her name, to see her body, to hold her in the heart, is not vain,
For she can extinguish the suffering of existence.

Life has left her footprints on my forehead.
But I have become a child again this morning.
The smile, seen through leaves and flowers,
is back to smooth away the wrinkles,
as the rains wipe away footprints on the beach.
......Again a cycle of birth and death begins. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Golden Age

Yesterday the 9th March 2011 we entered the 9th Wave of the Mayan Calendar, the final year in a 16.4 billion evolutionary period of cosmic consciousness. This final year – 9th March 2011 to 28 October 2011 marks a period of ‘Unity Consciousness’ on the planet, the collapsing of time/space as we know it, and the beginnings of a new cycle of being. During this final period, every 18 days we shift in conscious the equivalent of what previous took us 360 days (post 1999)... so yes what a ride this is going to be !

Once we complete the 9th Wave, then from 28 October 2011 to 21 December 2012 is the zero-point time, or transitionary time that marks the close of one cycle and the beginning of the next stage of our evolutionary journey. On the 21 December 2012, as our Sun crosses the Galactic Equator (the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy) we have the opportunity to shift our planetary consciousness into an ‘awakened’ state of being as we enter the early years of the Golden Age here on Earth.

Going hand in hand with this shift in cosmic consciousness is of course ‘change’ which many of us are experiencing on an individual level, and also on a collective level.

Article written by Simone M. Matthews For more info

Image: Golden Path By Toni Carmine Salerno

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Drop in Meditation class tonight 7pm $12.

When we raise ourselves through meditation to what unites us with the spirit, we quicken something within us that is eternal and unlimited by birth and death. Once we have experienced this eternal part in us, we can no longer doubt its existence. Meditation is thus the way to knowing and beholding the eternal, indestructible, essential centre of our being.~ Rudolf Steiner

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


You are both physical and non-physical in nature - you are multi dimensional spanning many realities that you have been encouraged and trained to ignore. You have the inherent right and duty to design and create your life.

Today, do or think something different - see yourself as a pioneer preparing for a new interpretation of reality. The trees bow and thank you for awaken to an expanded view of all.

Monday, March 7, 2011


It is only your perception of what is happening that causes the problem and makes you feel uncomfortable. The problem and uncomfortable feeling is alerting you to an issue that is distracting you. As you continue to live a life that is run by what others say or do - you hold you away from being who you are.

Today, realise you have a choice. Allow the problem that is getting you down to guide you to a deeper feeling within you, the raw wound that is being triggered. Go through it and not around it, allow yourself to ease into it like a hot bath it may sting a little to start with, but when you eventually sit in it - it feels so soothing . Experience yourself on a more intimate level - for until you help and know yourself you can never help or know another. Be who you are for you are wonderful.♥

Tonight is our Reiki Share/Practise - 7pm $15.
The Evening gives Reiki Channels an opportunity to practise and exchange knowledge for ongoing development. The Evening commences with a short meditation and discussion, then follows with group Reiki healings. If you have never tried a Reiki this is a great place to experience it.

Image: by Izzy Ivy

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mother Earth, Father Sky

Mother Earth & Father Sky I thank thee,
For shining for all and flowing through all.
Thankyou for sharing your time with me,
My thanks for watching over me,
Guarding me and guiding me.
My thanks for all you have given me,
And all you will continue to give me.
Please continue to light my path, and my life.

Image: Can you feel me by Toni Carmine Salerno

Friday, March 4, 2011

New Moon in Pisces

NEW MOON IN PISCES March 5th AUST EST 7.46am GMT 8.46pm MARCH 4th The New Moon always gives you an opportunity to spiral within to set intentions, plant seeds and begin a new. In Pisces we dive head on into the cosmic ocean, feel yourself let go and surrender to the greater/larger part of you.

In order to serve humanity and have compassion we must start with ourselves. Pisces allow you to feel and see from your expanded higher self - this shows you and all enlightened, healed - fully in your/their power, ready to dream the dream. Open to the limitless possibilities this new moon has to offer as it connects you to "all that is". Allow it to shed light on the mysterious awakening of this time in our history, triggering something deep within us all, a reminder of who we truly are.

Image: Blue Planet by Izzy Ivy

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Meditation Class - Silent power

Drop in Meditation class tonight 7pm $12. The theme this week is Silent Power.
Silent power is patience and flow - moving away from resistance and toward Freedom.

Trying to fix your circumstances just physically or mentally will not work in the long run because deep-rooted inconsistencies will continue to surface in your life in various guises. To overcome something once and for all means going within yourself to discover the real causes of the disturbance.

This lifetime in yours. You may be involved in relationships and love others, but basically what you make of your life and how you pass through it is your evolution. We all learn to take responsibility for our own circumstances, and, within the Universal Law, we are not expected to take responsibility for theevolution of others. It might sound a bit harsh, but in the Law there is incredible clarity and justice. ~ Taking from "Miracles" by Stuart Wilde

During your day, take a breath and notice the space in the moment before you exhale. As you exhale surrender all tension. . . . .allow all to become quiet and still. In that one breath of silence imagine a pure drop of liquid light and love drop into your river of being…... moving into an ocean of Oneness….. expanding your consciousness into all possibilities.

Image: Turquoise Sea by Toni Carmine Salerno