A full moon brings about completion and celebration, lighting our inner world and illuminating our deepest desires. Let’s celebrate the unison of the twin aspects of Gemini. We have the opportunity to allow all parts of us to retain their uniqueness while fully accepting these parts – bringing us to a state of oneness… of peace. Here we can celebrate the diversity of Oneness and its many ways of communication and creation through the magnificence of your physical – we are all connected and all part of the same light and love – so let’s party and enjoy our abundance as we share in love and joy.
Lunar Eclipses open a void beyond time and space so you can access and feel your eternal being. The Moon... the Goddess... the silvery liquid light. I draw down this cleansing, clearing, healing light... transforming my whole being. Filled now with Grace, Gratitude and Love for my life and all. I can now start to tell a new story........
Lunar eclipses alter your perceptions and allow you to see things in a new light. These new personal insights or "Aha" moments occur because the way you 'reflect' is altered. When you experience a lunar eclipse, you are experiencing the shadow of the Earth. This may illuminate your shadow side, bringing to the surface unconscious behaviours, habits and emotional reactions. It’s time to let go, let out, let loose the entanglements and walls which you think protect you, for this is what is trapping you in the life you don't want. Whatever you resist will persist, becoming an exhausting power struggle with life.
It is time Rise up, step forward and beyond - Love yourself, come to peace with you, right here and right now, this allows healing to begin and a new adventure begins…..I welcome and greet this day and allow this day to unfold as I embrace each moment fully. By being fully immersed in the gift of each moment, I will not be distracted by thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow that may erode this preciousness. As it is, Denise♥
Image: Luna Rossa by Toni Carmine Salerno