Wherever you are, know this energy gives you an opportunity to balance and embrace all parts of yourself as you let go of any barriers and obstacles that have been holding you back from you. It is time to review and contemplate all I have accomplished and created. It is time to let go - I honour all that I have done. Whatever I have created, whatever I have accomplished, I will no longer cling to it.....I let it go.... I move on, in order to create more- accomplish more. We are one and connected to all.
During the day feel the sun illuminate your outer world and during the night feel the moon reflecting the solar energy to illuminate your inner world. Know the power of your mind and feel the expansiveness of your heart, unite them in a sacred marriage and become one with you. The illusion of unbalanced thinking melts away - you now become love, gratitude and grace - seeing and feeling the perfection of all. Everything, person, place and situation has a core of unconditional love that is calling you to your heart, your essence, your soul.
Image: Akashas -Journey by Isabel Ivy http://www.eskatonia.net/izzyivy/paintings/gallery-1-paintings.html
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