Meditation Gathering - coming together to feel our natural state of being, in a space of allowing all to be as it is. Tonight 7pm, Friday 10 am, $15. The theme for Meditation classes this week is Wesak.
Wesak coincides with Fridays Scorpio full moon to celebrate Buddha's birth, enlightenment and in some traditions also his death. The Buddhic nature and Christ consciousness, also known as our higher self, are always shinning upon us. It never leaves us, we leave it. Let us be reminded of the Universal Love and wisdom that is always there for us - illuminating the truth of who we are.

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no
matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”~ Buddha
Image: Buddha Nature by Toni Carmine Salerno
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