Anytime in your day, take a deep breath, breathe in
love - breathe out love. Feel the breath of life - illuminating a new story of
you - raise your vibration, be who you are, feel love and joy and see all from
a higher perspective.♥
Sit quietly, close your eyes and breathe. Imagine your breath guiding you to your higher self. You float towards a star…. As you enter the light of this star, all feels familiar. Light beings, your soul family, gently move around you…..Open yourself to receive the waves of love, compassion and peace they send to you. Open yourself to the truth of you as you expand into the star that you. Breathe in love, breathe out love. Imagine from this moment onwards all of your cells are born of love. Follow your breath as it guides you back to your physical self. Namaste, Denise♥
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