Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Full moon in Aries and full lunar eclipse

FULL MOON IN ARIES - 8th October AEDT 9.51pm, GMT 10.51am, PDT 3.51am. Eclipse begins about 5 minutes after these times.

 A full moon shines light on our inner world, illuminating our deepest desires and celebrating the completion of the lunar month. A Lunar eclipse alters your perceptions and allows you to see things in a new light. These new personal insights or "Aha" moments occur because the way you 'reflect' is altered.

 A total Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Sun and Moon are opposite with the Earth in between. During this type of eclipse, the Moon will gradually get darker and then take on a rusty or blood red colour. The eclipse will be visible throughout NZ, the Pacific, Australia, most of North America, South America and eastern Asia.

Take a deep breath and step into the life you really, really want – do what makes you feel alive. This moon gives you the opportunity to strip back all the illusions, the self-doubt and fear, when these melt away you are left with your creative essence - no obstacles or boundaries. This moon may give you a little energetic push forward to “just do it”, take that leap of faith and fly.
The meaning of life is to give life meaning - whatever that means to you. If you are unsure of your direction - Take a deep breath, still yourself for a moment and allow your focus to flow to your heart. Imagine a point of light within your heart centre - see it growing into a golden flame. Feel its beautiful warmth sending waves of relaxation through you. This is your light of Awareness, a guiding presence that is always with you. Allow your being to rest in this place. Trust this light knows you, always revealing your truth and essence to you. Listen to your heart and hear your soul calling to you with the infinite potential of you. Namaste, Denise♥

Friday, September 5, 2014

Celebrate your Uniqueness

Wake up and rub the illusions from your eyes. Open to new possibilities, know you create everything in your life by the energy you emit. Your job is to choose thoughts and feelings that centre yourself in your heart in every moment of your life. Hear your inner wisdom, be esteemed by your words and focus your vision on what you want instead of what you don't want. There is now no reason to be pushed and shoved around by your or other's manifestations. Go within, go to your sacred space and surrender to your great awakening. The mist of illusion will part from your eyes and you will marvel at the wondrous creative journey of Love that you came here to experience. Be who you are for you are a light worker, weaver and creator. You are wonderment.

Today and every day celebrate your uniqueness and beauty and encourage others to do the same. Create a vision, a life that you want to live based on the clarity that has come from all your experiences. There are no obstacles, there is nothing to fix or change, just more to create. Do something today that is aligned with your dreams. If you can't think of anything - gently close your eyes and picture yourself living your dream, now imagine how you will feel. Make this feeling the foundation from which you will live this day. Everything begins within.

You can't stop anything that is occurring, however you can start new paths. It is the living in contrast that inspires new paths of creation that make your heart sing. Let us all sing with open hearts for the absolute joy of being here. In this place of yin, yang and the freedom of choice you have, you can create whatever you want for this is your Universe.
As you embrace and love all parts of the multidimensional self, you understand, reawaken or heal, going beyond any limitations to create a new path. Look to yourself for inspiration – allow the manifestation of others to inspire and move you to your rich source of creativity.

Each of you is a spark, a stream of consciousness – expanding, growing, becoming more, allowing life to move through you. Start from where you are, transform and free yourself from all the various layers of false identity and security that hold you back and keep you bound to the past. Say to yourself -I participate actively in my transformation. I listen to myself as my feelings tell me when I am holding on, when I am being rigid and resistant. I feel the difference when I let go and allow the energy of transformation to carry me forward into freedom, onto a new path.

Take a deep breath, feel yourself ready to step forward onto your path of creative joy. Every great adventure starts with a step….Allow yourself to wander into your higher self into the "wouldn't it be nice" scenario and plant seeds from this heightened intelligence, creativity, courage and compassion into the garden of your mind. Be you, Denise
Image: Tree of Life by Gary Soszynski

Monday, August 18, 2014


Each day as I awaken I have the opportunity to live my life from a whole new perspective. These new energies have been create from the clarity of what I have lived. I now choose to let all of the past just be so I can move forward into the newness of me. One way to be completely in the new energies of is to realise that no one has to convince you of who you are or who they are; you feel the truth of yourself and them; as others feel the truth of you. Your energy precedes you as you walk upon the earth. There is no hiding behind words. We all sense with our feeling self, the honesty of any situation. Feel beyond what you see with your eyes and trust what you're being told by the feeling essence of your Heart. Go easy all is working out. Namaste, Denise♥
Close your eyes and remember

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Aquarius Full Moon

AQUARIUS FULL MOON - AUGUST 11th AEST 4.10am. August 10th GMT 6.10pm, PDT 11.10pm.
This is a super moon, so the Moon will be at it's closest approach to Earth in 2014. A super moon encourages us to let go a little more by allowing anything ...holding you away from your truth to arise. Of course you can do this at any time, it is just when a super moon occurs energies are expanded, giving you the opportunity to move into the greater you. A full moon brings about completion, release and celebration, Illuminating your inner world and deepest desires. This full moon in Aquarius lifts us to greater heights, making it easier for us to create new ways of thinking and being. Transform what you think you know and be open to incredible shifts in perspective.

Celebrate your uniqueness and beauty and encourage others to do the same. Create a vision, a life that you want to live based on the clarity that has come from all your experiences. There are no obstacles, there is nothing to fix or change, just more to create, it is time to choose love and freedom. You have all the freedom in the Universe to see and create heaven on earth. Can you feel the shift? Embrace the new Earth and golden cycle. Open your eyes, love is all around you. Namaste, Denise

If you want to experience a way to connect to your uniqueness, tomorrow night I am running my Astar Gathering - Celestial Unfolding
In a safe and supportive space, Denise allows her higher self called Astar to flow through her, for the exploration and expansion of herself and all. This co - creation is revealing and interactive, designed for those who are curious about the mystical nature of life. If you have a thirst for deeper knowing through your ever expanding consciousness, Astar will support and challenge you to become all that you are. Bring your questions or allow the question/s to develop on the evening. There are no silly questions. Each class is different and unfolds perfectly. You are an essential component in this co-creative class.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Flower of Life

On Tuesday I was at my local park meditating and enjoying the winter sun. As I laid upon the earth I felt an urge to take a photo. It reminds me of a beautiful flower, much like my Flower of Life oracle deck due out in September by Blue Angel Publishing . It seems like it is beginning to manifest into the physical - how exciting. If you are looking at this, you have also become the energy of the magenta, pink balls of love and something you love will manifest soon. Namaste, Denise


As we move toward the full moon in Capricorn - feel yourself becoming more solid with your beliefs and ideas. Make this your starting point for anything in your life and feel the Universe co create with you. Today I feel like I am moving through a crack that has appeared in my perceived reality, peeking behind the veil - expanding, moving into wonder, truth, amazement and love. I am feeling a little light headed and dazed, dazzled by the brightest and clarity - so today I rest and surrender. Here I allow myself to be immersed in stillness and peace where I feel the transformative power of unconditional love - I sit and wait for my inner instructions and while I am waiting I will breathe love into the hearts of all for this makes me feel better.... I open to the creative heart of the Universe and feel liquid light and love oozing within.
What if, the very reason we are here is to expand and experience varied forms of life in order for the Universe to know itself and become more....... And so a new story begins. You know more than any who have lived on this planet before you - because with each passing generation something new grows from the foundations of the one before. You are ever evolving and unfolding.
Breathe in and know you are a precious and unique manifestation of the creative heart of the universe. You have never been before and will never be again. You are eternal, a vast intricate pattern of experience, awareness, light and dark. You are a collection of stories beyond knowing. You have hopes, fears, dreams, desires, visions. You are a world, a universe, a unique and unrepeatable experience. As you continue to explore and know yourself, value and celebrate your uniqueness. From this moment on you will value and take care of yourself. To take care of yourself means to explore, listen, feel into and know yourself as the beautiful physical, emotional and spiritual being that you are.
Everyday take some time to be still. Breathe in peace and breathe out authenticity. Breathe in authenticity and breathe out peace. In this focused truth of you, plant the seeds of your dreams and desires. Once planted the path to your dreams an...d desires unfolds, your job is to be present in each moment, so that you can feel it and walk upon it. It may not always look like the safe path - check in with you for you will know by the way you feel. Be your dreams Namaste, Denise♥


Thursday, June 26, 2014

New Moon in Cancer

As we move toward the new moon in Cancer on Friday, you will feel a pull toward inner nurturing. Feel the energy of the nurturing open a space where all is possible. As you allow ease to become your way, your heart and mind open to the knowledge that you are fully loved and supported always.
Take a deep breath, feel yourself ready to step forward onto your path of creative joy. Every great adventure starts with a step. Allow yourself to wander into your higher self into the "wouldn't it be nice" scenario and plant seeds from this heightened intelligence, creativity, courage and compassion into the garden of your mind.

NEW MOON IN CANCER, June 27th AUST EST 6.09pm, GMT 8.09am, PDT 1.09am. The New Moon gives you an opportunity to dive into your richness and begin anew. Feel this new moon stir your nurturing heart, come home to you, within your heart and you will then feel home everywhere. Turn inward and embrace yourself with kindness and honour as you regenerate and transform.
Allow your liquid light - the very essence of you to wash over and through you, washing away all you no longer need. Inspirations and empowerment will follow, however just for the next couple of days, rest and allow healing to rejuvenate your soul. Feel your love, Denise

 Image: Blue Ascension by Izzy Ivy's Art

Thursday, June 12, 2014

A Space to Breathe

Mercury in retrograde has brought me to a sense of stillness. Here I have the time and space to dive inward and clean up anything that easily knocks me off my centre. Everyday I will make feeling the best I can in every moment my focus. Instead of looking outward and trying to change conditions I will cast my gaze inward and embrace all unconditionally and thus set myself free. Use this three weeks to communicate clearly with yourself, get to know you for you are wonderful.
All that happens and all that we participate in are inspired actions to assist us in our clarity. A wonderful or not so wonderful event allows us to become clearer with what we want or don't want. So everything really does happen for a reason, however you created it or rendezvous with it because it was an active vibration that has become a belief within you.
FULL MOON IN SAGITTARIUS, June 13 AUST EST 2.11pm, GMT 4.11am - June 12th PDT 9.11pm. A full moon brings about completion, release and celebration, Illuminating your inner world and deepest desires. Allow this full moon energy to focus on ...higher learning and wisdom in a fun and joyous way. Instead of focussing on what you think has to change, let it be the inspiration of something new, a path of creation toward your dreams and desires. Gently feel yourself floating upward and seeing all from your higher self. Notice that all is spiritual that at the heart of all is love. Choose to be in love and not fear - you will know where you are by the way you feel. As you float down to merge with your magnificent body ground this higher wisdom, bring in love, enjoy each moment, be joyous, illuminate outwards and feel free. Namaste, Denise

Saturday, June 7, 2014


I am often asked about protecting ones energy and what can you do about being so sensitive. Well, I believe the only protection you need is from the thoughts in your head and the thoughts you associate with certain people and certain situations. In other words your reactions. Thank goodness you are sensitive then you can discern what to do next. Remember there are two ways to approach anything in life. Either in love or in Fear. Allow today to be the day that you receive the love of the Universe, open your heart and fill your heart your whole being with love. Now you are empowered and ready to create your life unconditionally as opposed to fear that will have you trying to create and control conditions that you think may hurt you. Everything is someone creation and has a right to be here - just align yourself to the creations that inspire you and leave the rest on the path and keep moving. Focus on what you want to create and the rest will fall away from your life from lack of attention. You are powerful.
The mind can only take you as far as you can think. Take the leap to your heart, to your higher self, your soul and start your day from here.

Spiral inward to transform. The world you view as reality is a manifestation of the energy that dreamt it into existence. It is your and the collectives conscious and unconscious, feelings, views, perceptions, urgings, wants, needs and beliefs expressed into the physical. We then go about observing what we have created, collect the information and try to change or want more of what we observed often being unaware this is our shadow and light being reflected back. Time to get off the wheel that holds you in this illusion. 

 Close your eyes and feel into your very being… feel your way through, trust your senses, your intuition. As you allow yourself to be, sitting in this space, having faith all will be Ok….. Your inner star is born, shining forth from your heart. Allow the dark and light to be there within you, coming together to illuminate, to guide you as you feel your way through this life and beyond…….....♥

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Meditations for the new moon in Gemini

Place a piece of your love in every human and become one with the whole of humanity. Know you are at one with all wherever you go whomever you meet, you see yourself in their eyes for you are a part of everything, because you love, you are Feel your flame within your heart and see light emanating in different colours from your mind and your heart, you are radiant with the glow of love. Let us give thanks for every experience we have, for we have the opportunity to feel more and more love and know we have the freedom to be who we truly are.
Sit comfortably, close your eyes and open your palms to the Universe. Allow yourself to receive the creative, unconditional life force that flows from the source of all…. Breathe….. Feel it flowing into your hands, imagine it to be liquid light........ freely expressing itself through you. Your hands are warm and are ready to create and shape your life, your dreams, your desires. Place your hands at your heart, or anywhere on the body. Nourish yourself as you feel creative, healing love flow from your hands into you. You are creating your life in every moment.
NEW MOON IN GEMINI - May 29th AEST 4.40am, May 28th GMT 6.40am, PDT 11.40am. The New Moon brings opportunities to dive into your richness and begin anew. Feel this new moon as an opportunity to transform the old beliefs still holding you - allow yourself to step through into a new chapter of your life. Open yourself to excitement, curiosity and adventure, live your life, stop thinking about it and just do it.

Stand of the shoulders of giants all that have come before and create something new. The universe needs you to be who you are for it to know itself. Embrace all aspects of you, no more pushing away what you think you don't like. Ask your higher self to alert you to anything within you that is awaiting to be reunited. When you push down and reject any part of you, this disowned part will do whatever it can to get your attention, for it is a part of you and every part of you wants to be love and accepted by you. Whatever you reject in you will be mirrored back to you by the experiences you have in the world and we often blame that experience for how we feel.

Also ask your higher self to alert you to anything that is hurting, raw or wounded within you - then love, cuddle and embrace all these parts of you. Would you turn away from a wounded person or animal? For that is what you do when you reject these parts of you - now is the time to be kind, gentle and patient with you. Feel the twins working together as a unified whole with much wisdom and love. This brings your heart and mind together where you expand into your truth, you can imagine it as a point of light pouring forth your essence, illuminating your path into infinite possibilities.

Come back to you - for the only thing missing in your life is you. Now is the time to be kind, gentle and patient with you. Feel the twins working together as a unified whole with much wisdom and love. This brings your heart and mind together where you expand into your truth, you can imagine it as a point of light pouring forth your essence, illuminating your path into infinite possibilities. Om Shanti, Denise

Image: Green Lotus by Izzy Ivy

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Your Path of Dreams

The beautiful people at last nights' Meditation Gathering inspired the following words. Today connect to your dreams and desires, breath love into them and breath them into life. When you make this your focus you will begin to see the manifestations flowing into your physical world. You have already created your dreams and desires, your job is to feel as good right now, imagine the feeling you will have when you dreams and desires have arrived. When you become it, there it is.
Keep focused and try not to allow the creations of others to take your attention and move you off your path of dreams and desires. Once you do this - you are now creating something different. Ask yourself is this what I want in my life? Your new paradigm is here………… you can choose to feel into the flow or resist and hold onto the old paradigm of limitations. The choice is yours and yours alone to make - do you choose love or fear, either way you will be loved by your Higher self and The Universe.
Breathe in and give, breathe out and receive. Breathe in and adjust, breathe out and adapt. Breathe in and navigate, breath out and create from a place of love. Repeat until you are in bliss with you.Namaste, Denise♥

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


WESAK FULL MOON IN SCORPIO - May 15(Sydney)AEST 5.16am, May 14 (London)GMT  7.16pm,  May 14 (Los Angeles)PDT 12.16pm

A full moon brings about completion, release and celebration, Illuminating your inner world and deepest desires. The Full Moon in Scorpio is a magical time of regeneration and rebirth it will focus a ray of illuminating truth on your deepest, most passionate desires or ...innermost feelings….. Surrender, delve deeper and further into the beauty of you to reveal any buried pain. As you come face to face with anything you have been avoiding, you have a beautiful opportunity to heal and set yourself free of all that swings away from your centre. When you avoid or resist healing it will cause emotional extremes - these extremes are a reminder and a trigger that something is out of balance.
Instead of avoiding, blaming, moving away or trying to go around these extremes that may bring discomfort - go through it, sit in it, allow it to illuminate the truth, the hidden reason why you may feel upset. This powerful energy will bring new awareness to all within you, new understandings and truths will be revealed, you will not be in the dark anymore - let go, for freedom awaits you.
Let all be as it is and let go, let out, let loose the entanglements and walls which you think protect you, for this is what is trapping you in the life you don't want. Whatever you resist will persist, becoming an exhausting power struggle with life. It is time rise up, step forward and beyond - Love yourself, come to peace with you, right here and right now, this allows healing to begin and a new adventure begins…..
Open your heart and allow the Scorpio healing waters to flush out all that holds you away from being the person you know you are. Allow the healing energy of Unconditional love to comfort, regenerate and nurture you, as you move through this time of transformation. You are becoming a butterfly, feel your wings opening and allow yourself to fly.
All is possible and all is one - feel this Wesak moon illuminate and celebrate the eternal you.
Wesak is the valley below Mount Kailash in Tibet that is the Crown Chakra of Earth. Every year at this Full Moon many people make a pilgrimage to this valley where all the Masters and non-physical Divine Beings meet together. Their energy vibrates in oneness, freedom and love and if you shift your focus and expand your consciousness you will become a part of this. Ride the wave of love and freedom, feel yourself becoming all that you all and make this your new foundation and platform to create your life from. It is also party time as Buddha’s birthday is celebrated. 

Image: The Buddha Presiding Over the Thousands Gathered in the Wesak Valley. The Hierarchy assemble in the 5-pointed star. (Artist: Francis Donald © 2011.)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

You are loved

Do you know who much you are loved by your inner/higher/larger self. However you think people see you is a reflection of how you feel about yourself, this tells you what is holding you away from feeling your inner love, so you can heal this....
When you connect with your inner being you will never need the approval or love from anyone else or anything else outside of you. For it is none of your business what others think of you. Your business is to choose and focus on a new way of being that will move you toward love.
Be who you are, for love flows through you, is it you - and allow your eternal, infinite, inner being to create a life of wonderment, expansion and joy. Namaste, Denise

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Meditation class - you are the source

Tonight meditation classes resume at my new address at 7.30pm. All welcome. Please check out the link below for more info. The information sheets I give out have been up loaded to the website to a page called "meditation sheets" within "meditation classes" page. Please feel to peruse and download them, I will be up loading more in the following weeks.

♥Meditation Gathering, coming together to feel our natural state of being, in a space of allowing all to be as it is. Tonight 7.30pm $20. This week we give focus to the larger part of who we are♥ Meditation sheet 1♥
The Source is within you. You are a unique expression of the Source. Honour the eternal light within you. 
Even if you can't see it or feel it, know it is there, shining within you. Move your vibration to meet it by just knowing it is possible. Every day you are becoming more. Say to yourself "Though it may not be visible today, I feel this mystery and I know I am growing, expanding, becoming more in every moment and I lack nothing. I will look and focus for where this is right now, instead of where I think it is missing."

Sit quietly, close your eyes and breath. Imagine your breath guiding you to your higher self. You float towards a star…. As you enter the light of this star, all feels familiar. Light beings, your soul family, gently move around you…..Open yourself to receive the waves of love, compassion and peace they send to you. Open yourself to the truth of you as you expand into the star that you. Follow your breath as it guides you back to your physical self. Namaste, Denise♥
Image: Turquoise Sea by Toni Carmine Salerno

Monday, April 28, 2014

New Moon in Taurus and Annular Solar Eclipse

New Moon in Taurus and Annular Solar Eclipse April 29th AUST EST 4.14pm, GMT 6.14am, April 28th PDT 11.15am.

 ♥The New Moon gives you an opportunity to dive into your richness and begin anew. As the Sun and the Moon come together a new seed born within. Allow the energy of Taurus to ground and integrate the experiences of your life. At the heart of all experience is unconditional love and it is time to unwrap your experiences - tear off the wrapping and find the gift. Feel the grounding energies of Mother earth as she embraces you with love and grace - you can do this anywhere - in nature, a back yard, a nature strip, a pot plant or visualisations. Feel the new moon illuminating your inner peace, all is fine, you are safe and your path is obstacle free, place one foot in front of the other and be who you are. Know you have great worth - for the Universe loves and values every part of you, for it sees the gift, the unconditional love in your heart. Your job is to see you through the eyes of the Universe. If you are reading this you are a pioneer - you are moving into new territory, forging a path into a new way of being. Decide from this moment forward that the outside world will not affect you, instead affect the world with your love and peace as you walk a new path. Be who you are, for you have something unique and wonderful to share with the world. 

 This eclipse is called an annular and occurs when the moon is at the furthest position from the Earth, called an apogee. As the moon is so far away it does not fully cover the Sun, so leaves a ring of light around it. This eclipse in partial form will be visible in the southern Indian Ocean, southern Australia mainly Tasmania and Antarctica, It doesn't matter whether you see the eclipse if you choose to, you will be able to tune in to its beautiful transformational power. As the sun is blocked by the moon, a black velvety, matrix of no space or time will give you the opportunity to expand into a whole new way of being. Eclipses are the celebration of big changes – They magnify all we are yet to embrace and love about ourselves and all. Feel the eclipse as a gateway - connecting you to your evolution of consciousness and step into the new paradigm of love as you transform the old beliefs still holding you back in your physical life. Open yourself to excitement, curiosity and adventure, live your life, stop thinking about it and just do it. Namaste, Denise♥

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Yesterday brought stirrings of my Father's inner journey of peace. Dad fought in the second world war and often marched in the Anzac parade. Even though he always told me he fought for freedom and peace these two things seem to elude him. This caused him to squeeze the joy from his heart and look for conditions that would make him feel peaceful and joyous.
Constantly searching, he took myself and the family along on his journey. I thank him for the adventures that moved me out of my comfort zone, forcing me to dig deep into my fears and face them - not always easy or comfortable and I often went there kicking and screaming, however it did lead me to ask different questions of life that lead me to where I am today.
Here I can see Dad laid the foundation for Peace and Freedom in my life and generation. Each generation comes already with what the previous generation wanted. In gratitude and love I honour all our ancestors for all they experienced for the expansion of our lives and creation.
If you are searching for serenity, security, being loved or prosperity, know it is already in your life. It may not be in a form that you expect, however, it is there. . Be still, sit within your sacred heart and allow the mysteries of life to float towards you. Open your eyes... see through new eyes and be illuminated by your mystery. All exists in each moment, Denise♥

 Image: Dad and Me circa 1970

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


In every moment your higher self, your soul is communicating ways to dissolve barriers that are holding you away from the truth and love of you. Tune into your sacred centre, your heart and feel your wisdom.

Place your hands at you heart in a prayer position take a deep breath and call all of you to this moment, to this place in front of your heart - your heart opens like a rosebud gently unfolding. Feel yourself being reborn - your divine wisdom, love and power unfolding, shining forth upon the path of your amazing life. Namaste, Denise♥

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Star energy

Izzy Ivy is a wonderful artist and healer. She is a Reiki Student of mine and I am honoured she chose to quote me in the company of this beautiful blue light being.♥♥♥

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Moon Bathing

Bathing in the moon beams of balance, a doorway opens into a realm of newness. This newness has always been here deep within me waiting to be found. The more I adjust and adapt my energy into this newness the more “Aha” moments I experience. This newness could only be found through the journey of my life, each step leading me towards strength of character and a complete forgiveness and acceptance for who and what I am.
In the time between eclipses, allow something new and beautiful to be revealed from deep within you. You will recognise it by the way it feels, your heart will swell when you are aligned or shrink when you are in fear. Who you were doesn’t matter, today you are who you are and you are becoming more and always moving forward. In love and Light, Denise♥

Image: Loves Reflection by Toni Carmine Salerno

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

FULL MOON IN LIBRA - Total Lunar Eclipse

In the lead up to the full moon and eclipse open your heart and mind. Wherever you are in the world connect to the earth below your feet. Feel your energy intermingling with the earth’s energy like the roots of a tree. Now, expand your openness to greater levels in preparation to receive the absolute fullness of you. Feel grateful for everyone who have entered and left your life, for the experiences every relationship and places you have lived, have given you. You are safe and you are strong, ready to be you in all of your wonderful wisdom and glory. Your life has shaped you and from this moment onward you can shape your future. You can be your dreams and desires right now. Feel it, know it, be it and soon this vibrational reality will become your physical reality.

FULL MOON IN LIBRA - Total Lunar Eclipse, April 15th AUST EST 5.43pm, GMT 7.43am, PDT 12.43am.
 A full moon brings about completion, release and celebration, Illuminating your inner world and deepest desires. Feel the energy of this Libra Moon highlight old patterns and fears giving you the opportunity, from your now stable loving perception to transform all into love. As you heal you will become more intimate with you, seeking a balance between the needs of the self and the needs of another. Remembering the best thing you can do for another is to be in complete harmony with yourself for then you will also see them in complete harmony.
 A Total Lunar Eclipse is when the Earth comes directly between the Sun and Moon, and the Moon is completely shadowed, receiving no direct light from the Sun, Lunar Eclipses open a void beyond time and space so you can access and feel your eternal being. The Moon... the Goddess... the silvery liquid light. I draw down this cleansing, clearing, healing light... transforming my whole being. Filled now with Grace, Gratitude and Love for my life and all. I can now start to tell a new story........
 Bathe in the light of the moon and feel a state of equilibrium become you. Honour and love your physical and non-physical self, the body, mind and spirit. Allow them all to move into balance as you realise all have equal importance. You are not your mind, you are not your body and you are not your spirit - you are all of these, a beautiful combination that the Universe celebrates as you. Feel this and celebrate the amazing relationship you have with you - for this is the most important relationship you will ever experience and everything else in this reality is a reflection of that. All is one.
 It is time Rise up, step forward and beyond - Love yourself, come to peace with you, right here and right now, this allows healing to begin and a new adventure begins…..I welcome and greet this day and allow this day to unfold as I embrace each moment fully. By being fully immersed in the gift of each moment, I will not be distracted by thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow that may erode this preciousness. As it is, Denise
 Image: Luna Rossa by Toni Carmine Salerno

Monday, April 7, 2014

Co Create

Contact is co creation - simply two separate beings forming a holographic meeting, a point of time and space. A meeting ground where they begin to dream the same dream. This is the next step in your and their evolution. You are a participant in this story of evolution and the creation of your life. So if you are waiting for someone to tell you, you are ok, tell you what to do or come to your rescue, you are not willing to be a participant in co creation and hold yourself away from all that you desire. It is time to explore your inner landscape because the truth, love and wisdom of you is waiting for you in order to become and co create. You are more that you think, fall into the beauty of you and this life. Namaste, Denise♥

Image by Marion Duguay

Sunday, March 30, 2014


NEW MOON IN ARIES MARCH 31st AUST EDST 5.44am - March 30th GMT 6.44pm, PDT 11.44am

The New Moon always gives you an opportunity to spiral within to set intentions, plant seeds and begin anew. Allow the energy of Aries to assist you experience a deeper connection to your inner/higher self. Feel your divine, wisdom, love and power flow into your physical being - heal old wounds as you let go of any fears holding you back. Allow this inner fire to burn away the old and ignite the new.
Take a step forward, move out into the world and discover the wonderment of life. This vibration will assist you in finding joy in all – despite the uncertainty and difficulties that may surround you in the external world. For every problem that arrives brings with it the solution for all is one. Take a breath rise upward, meet your higher self and see the veil drop away to reveal the truth.

Image: I am Golden Light By Toni Carmine Salerno

Saturday, March 29, 2014

What makes your heart Sing?

There is no wrong in the world, there is just what is right for you. Focus on what makes your heart sings and make that your foundation. All you no longer want will move away from your life from lack of attention. You are the powerful creator of your life. Leave everybody else to create their own. You will rendezvous with the people who are vibrating at the same speed as you. Looking forward to seeing you all at the sale today. Vibrate in love, Namaste, Denise♥

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I am who I am and that is OK

A client said to me earlier this week. "It is so nice to talk to someone who I don't have to explain myself to, cause you just get it and get me". My answer to that was "You brought yourself to a place where you could hear the wisdom of you in a space where there is no judgement. The only person that really gets and knows you is you. I don't need your approval to feel good about me and that is reflected back to you. I see the love that is the divinity of us all." May this love reflect the most awesome person that you are. Namaste, Denise♥

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Things are not always as they seem

As you see the world through your own eyes, beliefs and perception. Everything you look at will be coloured by the sum total of your past, often limiting you from seeing something new. If you are feeling stuck maybe it is time to go about life a little differently. This does not mean take yourself somewhere new and rely on conditions you are looking at to unstick you. It is time to realise the change you seek comes from within, it is an inside job.

Close your eyes and feel the feelings that excite and incite your passion, don't let the outside world intrude and tell you otherwise. Keep practicing daily until it becomes your way of being.

After a while you won't feel overwhelmed or bullied by conditions, because you have a choice to be something different in each moment. This is learning to live unconditionally and a life of love, for nobody or anything needs to be any different for you to feel your love, empowerment and wisdom. You are worthy. Namaste, Denise♥

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mabon and Ostara

Mabon - Autumn Equinox in the southern hemisphere, March 21, 2:57AM AEST and Ostara - Spring Equinox in the northern hemisphere, March 20, 4:57pm UTC - a time when the light of day and the dark of night are equal. After a powerful full moon, you may be feel a little turned around. When you lift your vibration to be in fullness of your love and light, you will definitely feel it when you move away even slightly. This may present a feeling of panic and slipping backwards. You are always moving forward, you just have to make your new foundation your absolute practised way of living your life.

Wherever you are, know this energy gives you an opportunity to balance and embrace all parts of yourself as you let go of any barriers and obstacles that have been holding you back from you. It is time to review and contemplate all you have accomplished and created. It is time to let go - honour all that you have done. Whatever you have created, whatever you have accomplished, no longer cling to it..... let it go....  move on, in order to create more - accomplish more. We are one and connected to all.

During the day feel the sun illuminate your outer world and during the night feel the moon reflecting the solar energy to illuminate your inner world. Know the power of your mind and feel the expansiveness of your heart, unite them in a sacred marriage and become one with you. The illusion of unbalanced thinking melts away - you now become love, gratitude and grace - seeing and feeling the perfection of all. Everything, person, place and situation has a core of unconditional love that is calling you to your heart, your essence, your soul.


Sunday, March 16, 2014


FULL MOON IN VIRGO - MARCH 17th AEDT 4.09am. MARCH 16th GMT  5.09pm, PDT 10.09am

A full moon brings about completion, release and celebration, Illuminating your inner world and deepest desires. Feel the energy of this Virgo Moon move you beyond your fears and disharmony and allow your divine wisdom, love and power to illuminate how you can be of true service to yourself and others.
Allow the Goddess to remind you there is no box to think outside of - you don't have to give meaning to anything, it is what it is. Feel into you, your wisdom will move you in a direction of love. Nothing outside of you makes you feel anything, because all you feel comes from you and all your reactions come from you.
Realise this and you can change anything. We are one and connected to all. Everything, person, place and situation has a core of unconditional love that is calling you to your heart, your essence, your soul. Honour and love who you are in your body and move beyond the fear and limitations you hold about being in it. All is possible and all is one - celebrate the eternal you.
Image: I am Goddess by Toni Carmine Salerno

Friday, March 14, 2014

You are Love

When I was going through a difficult time in my Reiki Master training about 12 years ago, my Reiki Master gave me these words. I have a Reiki Master student who is going through something similar that prompted me to remember this. I would like to share it today to assist all in becoming a master. I have no idea of their origin, but they soothed and helped me to let go of the old so I could create the new - may they do the same for you. Allow the word God to mean whatever is most meaningful to you. There is no right or wrong - I feel we all flow from the Source so we are all God. God is another name for my higher self and it is also the Grand Organising Design. Namaste, Denise

♥My God, to you alone I give my heart for safe keeping. As you hold me in your love so pure, I allow my heart to open, so that your divine light and love pour forth to humanity, through this sacred pink rose at the centre of my heart. I allow this sacred rose to bloom at the core of my essence so that its sweet healing fragrance may reach the ends of the Earth with every breath I breathe. May the divine rays of its healing light pour forth to all I meet. My heart is drawn into the sacred flame of your divine heart, so that I may abide in the love, light and peace which is my true divine destiny. In love and light and peace, I live.♥

Image: Autumn Leaves by Toni Carmine Salerno


Thursday, March 13, 2014

You can change

Today I choose to see abundance radiating all around me. I Live like a full cup of love sharing the overflow and not like a half empty cup walking around waiting, trying to be filled.♥♥♥

 Listen and hear your heart whisper - Remember, be who you are. Remember the time when self, soul, and world were one, when you lived in wholeness at peace with yourself and the world around you. The memory is there in your heart, your cells, deep inside, beneath what you think is real. Go within, sit quietly and whisper to yourself, "Remember, remember." Let the memory of peace and wholeness arise in your heart, beyond words and permeate your being. Feel love and faith arising in you, all is possible, for the individual, the family and the world. Now is the time for remembering.
Sit quietly, close your eyes and breathe. Imagine your breath guiding you to your higher self. You float towards a star…. As you enter the light of this star, all feels familiar. Light beings, your soul family, gently move around you…..Open yourself to receive the waves of love, compassion and peace they send to you. Open yourself to the truth of you as you expand into the star that you. Follow your breath as it guides you back to your physical self. Namaste, Denise♥

Monday, March 10, 2014

Be Free

You are freedom, you choose in each moment to be free. Whatever comes into your awareness, your thinking is not who you are, they are just want you think. Don't allow your thinking to move you away from your centre where your essence, the truth of you can be heard. Every encounter will assist in moving you back to your centre. Sense this guidance, your higher guidance and know this is the truth of you. When I opened my eyes after meditating yesterday this is what I saw. The clouds looked like waves, reminding me to go with the flow. What do you see? And what are your life experiences telling you today.
Sit comfortably, close your eyes and open your palms to the Universe. Allow yourself to receive the creative, unconditional life force that flows from the source of all…. Breathe….. Feel it flowing into your hands, imagine it to be liquid light........ freely expressing itself through you. Your hands are warm and are ready to create and shape your life, your dreams, your desires. Place your hands at your heart, or anywhere on the body. Nourish yourself as you feel creative, healing love flow from your hands into you. You are creating your life in every moment. Namaste, Denise♥

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Why I meditate

Meditation Gathering - coming together to inquire into our true nature, in a space of allowing all to be as it is. Tonight 7pm and Friday at 10am, $15 - Expand your Awareness.
♥ Be a living expression of the Universal Life force, allow it to ...flow through you, to inspire, to illuminate the love in all.

 I meditate in the morning just as I wake up, for I am still in the innocence phase of my day, meaning all is just as it is, and I have not started to introduce yesterday's beliefs and conclusions. Here I float in a space of least resistance, firming up this space before I start to introduce any resistance. I want to be in a place of ease to create my day, for I want to go about it the easy way, not the hard way most of us do.
So I meditate to train myself into feeling who I truly am. It is the rest of the world that I let pull me away from me; this is what we often call reality, however meditation has helped me to realise I can create my reality, by whatever I focus upon. So today as I meditate I am setting up my day for a path of least resistance. When I go to bed I also meditate and release the day. This gives me the best chance possible to have dreams that are aligned with my desires and wake up in the feeling of my desires. How will you create your life today? Namaste, Denise♥

Monday, March 3, 2014

Reiki Share

Tonight is Reiki Share/Practise - 7pm $15. Feel the essence of you.

Take a deep breath, feel yourself ready to step forward into your future. Every great adventure starts with a step….Allow yourself to wander into your higher self into the "wouldn't it be nice" scenario and plant seeds from this heightened intelligence, creativity, courage and compassion into the garden of your mind.

As I was chuckling, I realised awakening can happening in many ways and take many forms. Perception is the energetic vibration of the beholder. The meaning of life is what is most meaningful to you.....  This is Reiki. Namaste, Denise♥

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Shift

Over the past few weeks a strange tension settled in around me. I was compelled to clean up all physical manifestations and emotional subjects and that have been hanging around for a while - even years. I felt like an elastic band that was being pulled backward, I at first resisted it - telling myself I had heaps to get on with, however the inspired action was so great I knew if I ignored it, everything else would become difficult. So I went about cleaning up old stuff and getting my head sorted.
This morning I have awoken with wings. I feel like I have let go of the elastic band and have been propelled forward into a place I could not have imagined a few weeks ago - eager to start the next exciting chapter. I have realised that I never move backward, I am always moving forward - Mercury in retrograde reminded me to make space, to stop , to breathe, to catch up, to balance all and then watch as a path magically unfolds in ways that are perfect and miraculous. Trust what you feel, for you know yourself the best. Namaste, Denise♥

Friday, February 28, 2014

New Moon in Pisces


As Mercury turns, allow yourself to move forward into all you created during its retrograde. Your new paradigm is here………… you can choose to feel into the flow or resist and hold onto the old paradigm of limitations. The choice is yours and yours alone to make - do you choose love or fear, either way you will be loved by your Higher self and The Universe.

The New Moon always gives you an opportunity to spiral within to set intentions, plant seeds and begin anew. In Pisces we dive head on into the cosmic ocean, feel yourself let go and surrender to the greater/larger part of you. In order to serve humanity and have compassion we must start with ourselves....

Pisces allow you to feel and see from your expanded higher self - this shows you and all enlightened, healed - fully in your/their power, ready to dream the dream. Open to the limitless possibilities this new moon has to offer as it connects you to "all that is". Allow it to shed light on the mysterious awakening of this time in our history, triggering something deep within us all, a reminder of who we truly are from our highest inspiration and feeling.

Enjoy the journey - Right now, imagine you feel like you would when you arrive at your desired destination and you will see that nothing is missing. Namaste, Denise♥♥

Saturday, February 22, 2014


Today, let us all move within and imagine a life that is most meaningful to you. The next step is to not let your perceived reality get in the way of your dreams. Create, Create, Create. Get to know you, feel into your life and choose what feels the best option in each moment. Allow, don't push against and choose love over fear.

You are filled with amazing ideas you would like to create and experience, focus upon them and watch what happens. You can be exactly who you want to be, regardless of where you find yourself in this moment. Be willing to change and become a stream of effortless creativity. Enjoy the cartoon - it inspired me to write the above and it inspired me to let go and cry. Namaste, Denise♥

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Meditation Gathering

Meditation Gathering - coming together to feel our natural state of being, in a space of allowing all to be as it is. Tonight 7pm, Friday 10 am, $15
♥ To meditate is to train yourself into feeling the best you can at any moment. You will experience the vibration of wherever you are. If you are right out of sorts, out of balance when you begin to meditate, you will spend the time soothing yourself and softening the uncomfortable feeling you are having. However, if you enter a meditation at a place of balance or near to the vicinity of this, you will soar even higher. It doesn’t matter where you start, just jump in and let yourself guide you into a greater knowing and feeling of you. Feel your Fullness. Namaste, Denise♥

Monday, February 17, 2014

Look Beyond

Look beyond your existence and grow despite what you may be experiencing. You are not what you are experiencing you are what you are feeling. Namaste, Denise♥

Friday, February 14, 2014

You are Love

All of us are parts of the source, the cosmic heart of all, willing participants in the eternal cosmic love affair between the physical and non physical, god and goddess, matter and spirit.

As you read this you are being enveloped in love. Love flows to you always, it is time to open your heart and let it in. 

You are so much more than you think you are - today choose love, love yourself, love life, and respond to every challenge and situation with love and be who you truly are.

You are LOVE and you are LOVED. Namaste, Denise ♥♥♥

Image: Sacred Union by Toni Carmine Salerno