FULL MOON IN LIBRA - Total Lunar Eclipse, April 15th AUST
EST 5.43pm, GMT 7.43am, PDT 12.43am.
A full moon brings
about completion, release and celebration, Illuminating your inner world and
deepest desires. Feel the energy of this Libra Moon highlight old patterns and
fears giving you the opportunity, from your now stable loving perception to
transform all into love. As you heal you will become more intimate with you,
seeking a balance between the needs of the self and the needs of another.
Remembering the best thing you can do for another is to be in complete harmony
with yourself for then you will also see them in complete harmony.
A Total Lunar Eclipse
is when the Earth comes directly between the Sun and Moon, and the Moon is
completely shadowed, receiving no direct light from the Sun, Lunar Eclipses
open a void beyond time and space so you can access and feel your eternal
being. The Moon... the Goddess... the silvery liquid light. I draw down this
cleansing, clearing, healing light... transforming my whole being. Filled now
with Grace, Gratitude and Love for my life and all. I can now start to tell a
new story........
Bathe in the light of
the moon and feel a state of equilibrium become you. Honour and love your
physical and non-physical self, the body, mind and spirit. Allow them all to
move into balance as you realise all have equal importance. You are not your
mind, you are not your body and you are not your spirit - you are all of these,
a beautiful combination that the Universe celebrates as you. Feel this and
celebrate the amazing relationship you have with you - for this is the most
important relationship you will ever experience and everything else in this
reality is a reflection of that. All is one.
It is time Rise up,
step forward and beyond - Love yourself, come to peace with you, right here and
right now, this allows healing to begin and a new adventure begins…..I welcome
and greet this day and allow this day to unfold as I embrace each moment fully.
By being fully immersed in the gift of each moment, I will not be distracted by
thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow that may erode this preciousness. As it is,
Image: Luna Rossa by
Toni Carmine Salerno
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