Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Meditation class - you are the source

Tonight meditation classes resume at my new address at 7.30pm. All welcome. Please check out the link below for more info. The information sheets I give out have been up loaded to the website to a page called "meditation sheets" within "meditation classes" page. Please feel to peruse and download them, I will be up loading more in the following weeks.

♥Meditation Gathering, coming together to feel our natural state of being, in a space of allowing all to be as it is. Tonight 7.30pm $20. This week we give focus to the larger part of who we are♥ Meditation sheet 1♥
The Source is within you. You are a unique expression of the Source. Honour the eternal light within you. 
Even if you can't see it or feel it, know it is there, shining within you. Move your vibration to meet it by just knowing it is possible. Every day you are becoming more. Say to yourself "Though it may not be visible today, I feel this mystery and I know I am growing, expanding, becoming more in every moment and I lack nothing. I will look and focus for where this is right now, instead of where I think it is missing."

Sit quietly, close your eyes and breath. Imagine your breath guiding you to your higher self. You float towards a star…. As you enter the light of this star, all feels familiar. Light beings, your soul family, gently move around you…..Open yourself to receive the waves of love, compassion and peace they send to you. Open yourself to the truth of you as you expand into the star that you. Follow your breath as it guides you back to your physical self. Namaste, Denise♥
Image: Turquoise Sea by Toni Carmine Salerno

Monday, April 28, 2014

New Moon in Taurus and Annular Solar Eclipse

New Moon in Taurus and Annular Solar Eclipse April 29th AUST EST 4.14pm, GMT 6.14am, April 28th PDT 11.15am.

 ♥The New Moon gives you an opportunity to dive into your richness and begin anew. As the Sun and the Moon come together a new seed born within. Allow the energy of Taurus to ground and integrate the experiences of your life. At the heart of all experience is unconditional love and it is time to unwrap your experiences - tear off the wrapping and find the gift. Feel the grounding energies of Mother earth as she embraces you with love and grace - you can do this anywhere - in nature, a back yard, a nature strip, a pot plant or visualisations. Feel the new moon illuminating your inner peace, all is fine, you are safe and your path is obstacle free, place one foot in front of the other and be who you are. Know you have great worth - for the Universe loves and values every part of you, for it sees the gift, the unconditional love in your heart. Your job is to see you through the eyes of the Universe. If you are reading this you are a pioneer - you are moving into new territory, forging a path into a new way of being. Decide from this moment forward that the outside world will not affect you, instead affect the world with your love and peace as you walk a new path. Be who you are, for you have something unique and wonderful to share with the world. 

 This eclipse is called an annular and occurs when the moon is at the furthest position from the Earth, called an apogee. As the moon is so far away it does not fully cover the Sun, so leaves a ring of light around it. This eclipse in partial form will be visible in the southern Indian Ocean, southern Australia mainly Tasmania and Antarctica, It doesn't matter whether you see the eclipse if you choose to, you will be able to tune in to its beautiful transformational power. As the sun is blocked by the moon, a black velvety, matrix of no space or time will give you the opportunity to expand into a whole new way of being. Eclipses are the celebration of big changes – They magnify all we are yet to embrace and love about ourselves and all. Feel the eclipse as a gateway - connecting you to your evolution of consciousness and step into the new paradigm of love as you transform the old beliefs still holding you back in your physical life. Open yourself to excitement, curiosity and adventure, live your life, stop thinking about it and just do it. Namaste, Denise♥

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Yesterday brought stirrings of my Father's inner journey of peace. Dad fought in the second world war and often marched in the Anzac parade. Even though he always told me he fought for freedom and peace these two things seem to elude him. This caused him to squeeze the joy from his heart and look for conditions that would make him feel peaceful and joyous.
Constantly searching, he took myself and the family along on his journey. I thank him for the adventures that moved me out of my comfort zone, forcing me to dig deep into my fears and face them - not always easy or comfortable and I often went there kicking and screaming, however it did lead me to ask different questions of life that lead me to where I am today.
Here I can see Dad laid the foundation for Peace and Freedom in my life and generation. Each generation comes already with what the previous generation wanted. In gratitude and love I honour all our ancestors for all they experienced for the expansion of our lives and creation.
If you are searching for serenity, security, being loved or prosperity, know it is already in your life. It may not be in a form that you expect, however, it is there. . Be still, sit within your sacred heart and allow the mysteries of life to float towards you. Open your eyes... see through new eyes and be illuminated by your mystery. All exists in each moment, Denise♥

 Image: Dad and Me circa 1970

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


In every moment your higher self, your soul is communicating ways to dissolve barriers that are holding you away from the truth and love of you. Tune into your sacred centre, your heart and feel your wisdom.

Place your hands at you heart in a prayer position take a deep breath and call all of you to this moment, to this place in front of your heart - your heart opens like a rosebud gently unfolding. Feel yourself being reborn - your divine wisdom, love and power unfolding, shining forth upon the path of your amazing life. Namaste, Denise♥

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Star energy

Izzy Ivy is a wonderful artist and healer. She is a Reiki Student of mine and I am honoured she chose to quote me in the company of this beautiful blue light being.♥♥♥

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Moon Bathing

Bathing in the moon beams of balance, a doorway opens into a realm of newness. This newness has always been here deep within me waiting to be found. The more I adjust and adapt my energy into this newness the more “Aha” moments I experience. This newness could only be found through the journey of my life, each step leading me towards strength of character and a complete forgiveness and acceptance for who and what I am.
In the time between eclipses, allow something new and beautiful to be revealed from deep within you. You will recognise it by the way it feels, your heart will swell when you are aligned or shrink when you are in fear. Who you were doesn’t matter, today you are who you are and you are becoming more and always moving forward. In love and Light, Denise♥

Image: Loves Reflection by Toni Carmine Salerno

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

FULL MOON IN LIBRA - Total Lunar Eclipse

In the lead up to the full moon and eclipse open your heart and mind. Wherever you are in the world connect to the earth below your feet. Feel your energy intermingling with the earth’s energy like the roots of a tree. Now, expand your openness to greater levels in preparation to receive the absolute fullness of you. Feel grateful for everyone who have entered and left your life, for the experiences every relationship and places you have lived, have given you. You are safe and you are strong, ready to be you in all of your wonderful wisdom and glory. Your life has shaped you and from this moment onward you can shape your future. You can be your dreams and desires right now. Feel it, know it, be it and soon this vibrational reality will become your physical reality.

FULL MOON IN LIBRA - Total Lunar Eclipse, April 15th AUST EST 5.43pm, GMT 7.43am, PDT 12.43am.
 A full moon brings about completion, release and celebration, Illuminating your inner world and deepest desires. Feel the energy of this Libra Moon highlight old patterns and fears giving you the opportunity, from your now stable loving perception to transform all into love. As you heal you will become more intimate with you, seeking a balance between the needs of the self and the needs of another. Remembering the best thing you can do for another is to be in complete harmony with yourself for then you will also see them in complete harmony.
 A Total Lunar Eclipse is when the Earth comes directly between the Sun and Moon, and the Moon is completely shadowed, receiving no direct light from the Sun, Lunar Eclipses open a void beyond time and space so you can access and feel your eternal being. The Moon... the Goddess... the silvery liquid light. I draw down this cleansing, clearing, healing light... transforming my whole being. Filled now with Grace, Gratitude and Love for my life and all. I can now start to tell a new story........
 Bathe in the light of the moon and feel a state of equilibrium become you. Honour and love your physical and non-physical self, the body, mind and spirit. Allow them all to move into balance as you realise all have equal importance. You are not your mind, you are not your body and you are not your spirit - you are all of these, a beautiful combination that the Universe celebrates as you. Feel this and celebrate the amazing relationship you have with you - for this is the most important relationship you will ever experience and everything else in this reality is a reflection of that. All is one.
 It is time Rise up, step forward and beyond - Love yourself, come to peace with you, right here and right now, this allows healing to begin and a new adventure begins…..I welcome and greet this day and allow this day to unfold as I embrace each moment fully. By being fully immersed in the gift of each moment, I will not be distracted by thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow that may erode this preciousness. As it is, Denise
 Image: Luna Rossa by Toni Carmine Salerno

Monday, April 7, 2014

Co Create

Contact is co creation - simply two separate beings forming a holographic meeting, a point of time and space. A meeting ground where they begin to dream the same dream. This is the next step in your and their evolution. You are a participant in this story of evolution and the creation of your life. So if you are waiting for someone to tell you, you are ok, tell you what to do or come to your rescue, you are not willing to be a participant in co creation and hold yourself away from all that you desire. It is time to explore your inner landscape because the truth, love and wisdom of you is waiting for you in order to become and co create. You are more that you think, fall into the beauty of you and this life. Namaste, Denise♥

Image by Marion Duguay