♥Are you ready for contact? Your Awakening is the Contact, awaken to the divine in you and you will see the divine in everything and everybody. You are the one you have been waiting for…………...♥
Tonight is our Reiki Share/Practise - 7pm $15. Feel the essence of you.♥
♥Serenity is yours.
When chaos looms seek the sweet
Surrender of simplicity.
Gaze above at the glassy sky,
Feel each blade of green
Beneath your feet,
Listen to the sound of faith
Like a reed flute playing
Inside your chest.
Stand in witness of
Your true nature.
Remember the compassion
Of the lover's eyes,
The calm wisdom of
The elder's voice.
Go within. Be at rest without.
Fall to your knees in gratitude.
You have all your need.
Turn from the riot of distraction.
Let it roll over and beyond you.
Serenity is yours.♥ ~ Serenity by Ching Qu Lam
Image: Alchemy by Toni Carmine Salerno
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