Allow the contrast of light and dark to move you to new ideas and creations, the anger or pain you feel is a reminder to come back to you, for you have allowed something outside of yourself to split you from you. However, on the Earth plane we need this split, for it causes us to look at the world differently and we give birth to new ways of being.
Instead of pushing against and trying to change the thing you are looking at, which will cause more of the same energy to be in your life, say "Thank you for reminding me to come home to me, to realise the peace I seek is already here. Let me come home to this place, I will be in balance and then I will look outside from this loving, balanced, peaceful place." Let go, allow all to be as it is.
Come to peace with all, then from this loving place, inspired action will bring about a whole new path. This will illuminate a solution that you would never have seen if you stayed in an unbalanced place. Let us all take great leaps forward into love - fear will just fall away from lack of attention. So today, be discerning about where you focus your energy ......In love and Light, Denise♥
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