Sunday, November 17, 2013


FULL MOON IN TAURUS NOVEMBER 18th AUST EDST 2.15am - NOVEMBER 17th GMT 3.15pm, PST 7.15am. The Full Moon is a time of culmination and celebration. It shines a light into your inner world, alerting you to where anything within needs to be recognised or brought into balance.  

You, Gaia and all are constantly rising into a higher vibration; this is evolution. As this occurs, anything disowned or denied within us or the collective will be revealed for healing, integration and transmutation. Taurus full moon will illuminate how far you have come and what must be released now for you to be whom you truly are. Letting go means to come to peace with what has been - you can't change what has been, however, you can focus on the new creations of your life. Holding on will cause you pain, letting go frees you to use your precious energy to create your life.  

Allow this full moon to show you the sensual, earthy abundance of creation and gifts we receive from Mother Earth. The polarity of the Scorpio sun intensifies intuitive insight to assist in feeling and seeing Divine Love, Wisdom and Strength in all your and others creations. Namaste, Denise♥

Take a deep breath, listen to your heart connecting to the rhythm of Gaia and honour your temple, your body - for it is the physical manifestation of your Spirit/Soul/Higher Self. Know you have great worth and create beauty in all you do – allow your senses out to play and create beauty, intimacy and deeper connections with your Spirit/Soul/Higher Self. Feel a magical transformation gently moving you into love and the wonderment of the eternal you.

Image: Moon Tree by Toni Carmine Salerno

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