Image: Sanctuary by Izzy Ivy
The Celestial spiral is the mystical path I travel in each moment. It is the creative process of ideas, thoughts and information flowing from the creative heart of the Universe. Please add your comments and ideas as this expands all creativity. Embrace new ideas, thoughts and information and through this co-creative process you will find our own, beautiful, unique mystical path - moving you toward the joy and love of life. Namaste♥
Image: Heaven on Earth by Toni Carmine SalernoSee More
NEW MOON IN SAGITTARIUS DECEMBER 6th - AUST EST 3.35am (GMT 5.35pm- 5th)The New Moon always gives you an opportunity to spiral within. This illuminates the parts of you that are hidden, in order to bring healing, balance and a realisation of Oneness.
Sagittarius new moon brings us hope of a different perspective, allowing us to expand. Expansion will occur as we trust the process of life. The wheel of life is constantly moving - embrace change and allow your fun, playful self to discover the adventure of life. Combine your personal wisdom together with your intuition to create a magical result and feel it flow through your body, mind and soul.