Saturday, February 2, 2013

Lammas and Imbolc

Happy Lammas in the Southern hemisphere and Happy Imbolc in the Northern hemisphere.

Traditional time:  February 2 - Exact time: February 4th AEDT 2:57PM, February 3rd GMT 3.57pm, PST  7.55pm
Lammas gives us the opportunity to give thanks to the Earth for her abundance and to express our gratitude for our own personal harvest. As the energy of the Sun begins to wane, connect to the path within, draw inward the fulfilment of outer achievements - allowing them to transform into the seeds of our future that we will nurture within. Honour your abundance and success and feel the light of the Sun flowing through you into Mother Earth. Allow your dreams and desires to become seeds that are held lovingly in the arms of Mother Earth, awaiting the time for growth.  

Imbolc gives us the opportunity to celebrate the awakening Earth and the rising life force that initiates fertility and Growth. The time for action is beginning and Imbolc reminds us to stay connected and present with our inner life as we move create and manifest in the outer world.Honour the growing strength of the sun by lighting a candle, feel the golden light surround you and flow within you - illuminating your path and giving life to our ideas, visions and dreams. 

Image: Sacred Earth by Toni Carmine Salerno

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