Thursday, May 19, 2011


I am at the Sydney Mind Body Spirit festival today steeped in the inspiring images and work of Toni and Martine Salerno at The Blue Angel Stand - E45. Come and say hello - I'm always ready for a chat and would love to see you. I have chosen a card from Toni's latest deck of oracle cards "BLUE ANGEL ORACLE" - here is our message for the day.

Healing Angel
Accepting life as it is brings peace and healing. You can start to heal both yourself and our planet through acceptance. Yet acceptance does not mean that you give up on attempting to improving things. It simply means accepting that there may be a higher purpose to things even though we do not see it. Regardless of your situation peace is possible now; it will never be any more or less possible than now. Life will continue its course, driven by a will higher than our own. Little we do will ever change that. And yet, we can change our perception of our circumstances and surroundings and this will make a difference.

The future is no more uncertain than the present.
– Walt Whitman

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