Tuesday, December 31, 2013

We are Free

I have arrived home after spending time in Melbourne with family and friends. This time of the year seems to bring with it an expectation of how things should be if you love or are loved by someone or someone/s. I found myself thinking about past interactions and then worrying they would repeat themselves. In the middle of all this worrying I stumbled into a place where something in me said "You are not who you used to be, in actual fact no one is, for change is constant. From your new perspective of love you have an opportunity to see you and all from a balanced place and here you will tell a new story about everything. This will set you and all others free."

So, before I left to go to Melbourne, I set about practising my expanded perspective of love, finally allowing this to be the foundation and platform I live my life from. There were times when I left this place and I always knew because I felt bad or negative energy. For the first time in my life I did not try to fix or change anyone or anything. I just found my way back to my foundation of love, by excusing myself from the situation (often saying I was going to the toilet).

Then from my expanded perspective I told a whole new story/ies about my life, I set myself and others free and felt more love that I have ever before. May you be inspired by you to be who you are, shining brightly in full acceptance of your beauty, Feeling completely free to create and experience life. I am who I am.

Thank you for all the support, wisdom and love. Today I give great blessings for the amazing experiences, challenges and insights of 2013. With grace and gratitude I let go and surrender all situations, places and people I have brought into... my world. Breathe in your 2014, imagine it to be gold, illuminating your limitless freedom ... breathe out 2013 surrounding it in violet and feel it transform into love ...All is well, Denise♥

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Summer and Winter Solstice

Summer and Winter Solstice 21/22 December - if you would like to know the exact time in your part of the world, click here. -  Enjoy, be, Enjoy. Namaste, Denise♥

Happy Summer Solstice and Mid Summer blessings – As you experience the longest day of year, celebrate life, bounty, grace, abundance and all that are given to you from the Sun. Here is a time to pause so you can view your life from a distance in order to gain a true perspective. The Solar Rays are at their brightest, illuminating all things, your emotions, your thoughts and your motives. Here you can see all and make any adjustments. Breathe the outer sun into your inner sun and feel all move together - a sacred union with all. 

For our friends in the Northern Hemisphere - Happy Winter Solstice and Yule Blessings -As you experience the longest night of the year be reminded that night is a time of dream, vision and a wonderful journey into the depths of oneself, the darkness of unknown possibility. Celebrate the Sun's return in all its power–breathe in golden light and allow the sun to shine light on all your possibilities, so they can be manifesting into the physical. If you like, light a candle and give thanks for the warmth and light of the sun. Breathe your inner sun out into the outer sun and feel all move together – a sacred union with all.

Friday, December 20, 2013

You are your own guide

I know how funny, smart, loving, abundant and wonderful you are. Even if you can't see it, I hold my focus upon that, knowing one day you will feel your way in the fullness of you and be all that you are. In love and light from your higher self.
As we move towards the Solstice, allow the light with in you to stir your dreams and desires. Light breaks up the dark, solid self defeating patterns and the outdated. Focus on your inner light and allow it to shine into every part of you.You are love and you are light. Affirm to yourself – “I am guided by the light of my own soul and I am guided by the light of my own intention. Namaste, Denise♥

Image: Angel over me by Toni Carmine Salerno

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Last Meditation classes for 2013

Last Meditations for 2013 - Meditation Gathering - coming together to feel our natural state of being, in a space of allowing all to be as it is. Tonight 7pm, Friday 10 am, $15 - This week let us bask in the energy of the full moon. Come and relax and feel the love of your energy centres.

 ♥ Close your eyes and imagine you are breathing in the light and love of the Universe… see and feel it as a colour that brings you joy. Feel it flow into each of your chakras….transforming them into stars. Your beautiful bright stars radiate love and light, bringing balance, harmony, peace …. regenerating every part of you - enhancing the flow of life force energy throughout. Now feel into your heart and feel yours stars light up, the creative heart of the Universe, that exists also within your heart ...........…… here you float dreamily in the essence of all, feeling the possibility that all is possible ……….. Your dreams and desires are unfolding and soon you will rendezvous with them. Float into your breathing, breathe in and out, coming back into this moment and when you feel ready open your eyes.♥♥♥

 Each chakra is a symbolic representation of your energy flow. When you realise you can choose to bring your mind to the point of unity beyond duality, you will move beyond the limitations of your rational mind. You will know your beautiful, unique truth, tune into and trust your inner guidance and will consciously participate in the creation of your reality.
Image: Loves Reflection by Toni Carmine Salerno

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Full Moon in Gemini

FULL MOON IN GEMINI, December 17th AUST EDST 8.28pm, GMT 9.28am, PST 1.28am - A full moon brings about completion and celebration, lighting our inner world and illuminating our deepest desires. Let’s celebrate the unison of the twin aspects of Gemini. We have the opportunity to allow all parts of us to retain their uniqueness while fully accepting these parts – bringing us to a state of oneness… of peace. Here we can celebrate the diversity of Oneness and its many ways of communication and creation through the magnificence of your physical – we are all connected and all part of the same light and love – so let’s party and enjoy our abundance as we share in love and joy. 

It is time Rise up, step forward and beyond - Love yourself, come to peace with you, right here and right now, this allows healing to begin and a new adventure begins…..I welcome and greet this day and allow this day to unfold as I embrace each moment fully. By being fully immersed in the gift of each moment, I will not be distracted by thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow that may erode this preciousness. As it is, Denise

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Walk the Path of your Heart

I observe the manifestations I have created with my eyes. I sense the vibration of my creations as their are moving into manifestations. If it feels good I focus on that feeling more, if it feels off I use that to refocus by feeling into a better feeling feeling. I know now that the more I deliberately focus upon the relationship I have with my self and tend to the vibration of that, I will rendezvous with manifestations of that. Then what I observe with my eyes gives me physical evidence of that. So from this moment onwards I will not take anything personally as it is a futile exercise that has me creating more of the same. Life is wonderful all that I need comes to me in every moment. 
The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins. Namaste, Denise♥

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Meditation Gathering - Relaxation for the silly season

Meditation Gathering - coming together to feel our natural state of being, in a space of allowing all to be as it is. Tonight 7pm, Friday 10 am, $15 - This week come and relax, sooth your nerves and feel the love of the season.♥ As you read this you are being enveloped in love. Love flows to you always, it is time to open your heart and let love in. You are always moving toward your dreams and desires, don't let what you think you see now, tell you otherwise. See where your joy and wonderment is now in your life, instead of where it isn't and your dreams and desires will arrive. If you are feel out of sorts, go gently for you are resisting the changes. Be fully present in each moment and allow all change to just be. You will always be you - you are just become more of you expanding into the eternal that is your higher self, your stream of consciousness. Into the flow we go. Choose Love,

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Take a breath and become very still, exhale and relax. In this time of quiet and stillness much is happening. Deep within you all is stirring, the old and the new moving to unite in full co-creation. Mix it up to become more, a liquid creation seeping into every part of you. This is the feeling you have when a dream or desire is on the way. When this occurs stay in the stillness, don't look for physical evidence, and don't wonder what you have to do or how it will happen. Take a breath and find a way to feel your dreams and desires right now, the feeling you think you will feel when you are living your dreams and desires. Become, Become, Become. Namaste, Denise♥

Monday, December 9, 2013

All is Possible

On my daily walk near my home in Sydney, I came across a man creating these sculptures. He told me "I love to work in public spaces, creating works of art that defy reason, to remind us all that anything is possible." There is nothing holding the rocks together except the will and knowing of the artist. I just love them and look forward to seeing new sculptures that defy gravity. Have a creative day.
What are you going to focus upon today? Are you going to go about things the way you always have and complain about where you are? Or are you willing to be who you know you are, and live today focused upon that. Not letting yourself or anyone else, talk you into doing things the way you always have, because it feel familiar. Whatever you choose, you are loved, you just have to be in the range of love to feel love, otherwise, you will feel fear. If you are in fear you can't feel love. Today, be esteemed by you, teach yourself to believe in you. Become you and all will yield towards love. Namaste, Denise♥

Image: Manifestia by Izzy Ivy

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Nelson Mandela

Honour the legacy of Nelson Mandela by evolving his message into every part of your life. Everything starts with you- focus on what you are inspired by, hold that feeling, create more of it and let everyone else just be.  

♥Let us not be concerned with where we have come from or where we may be going. Sit quietly, close your eyes and feel into the eternal moment happening now and now and now. Allow all to be as it is, sink deeper into you, fall into your Grace. Dive in and allow the riches of you - infinite unconditional love - to be revealed. Let go, Let it be. Allow your treasure, your riches to shine brightly shedding light into every part of you, illuminating any darkness transforming it into love – balanced energy that will reveal the very truth of you. Free yourself of all that holds you back. Be who you are, for you are wonderful. Namaste, Denise♥

Friday, December 6, 2013

Be You

Today, I will endeavour to accept and embrace every part of me, for until I do I am at the mercy of my disowned parts that just want to be loved and accepted, constantly making themselves known to me in whatever way they can. If you have a reaction to someone's words or actions today, take a breath and a step back, for they are mirroring a similar  vibration of you that wants to be released or integrated. There is also another side to this observation that needs to be recognised - if you are inspired by someone's beauty, wisdom or love, take a breath and a step back for they are reflecting what you have not yet recognised in yourself. We are all as One, co-operating through love to bring balance to all. Namaste, Denise

Image: Luna Rosa by Toni Carmine Salerno

Monday, December 2, 2013


NEW MOON IN SAGITTARIUS December 3 - AEDT 11.22am, GMT 00.22am. December 2nd - PST 4.22pm♥ The New Moon gives you an opportunity to spiral within. This illuminates the parts of you that are hidden, in order to bring healing, balance and a realisation of Oneness. Sagittarius new moon brings us hope of a different perspective, allowing us to expand. Expansion will occur as we trust the process of life. The wheel of life is constantly moving - Embrace your spiritual warrior, embrace change and allow your fun, playful self to discover the adventure of life. Open to excitement, curiosity and adventure, live your life, stop thinking about it and just do it. Embrace all aspects of you, no more pushing away what you think you don't like. Ask your higher self to alert you to anything that is hurting, raw or wounded within you - then love, cuddle and embrace all these parts of you. Would you turn away from a wounded person or animal? For that is what you do when you reject these parts of you - now is the time to be kind, gentle and patient with you. Combine your personal wisdom together with your personal intuition to create a magical result and feel it flow through your body, mind and soul. Namaste, Denise♥

Image: Sagittarius by Steel-Eyes