Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Meditation Class - Your Mystery

Meditation Gathering - coming together to inquire into our true nature, in a space of allowing all to be as it is. Tonight 7pm and Friday at 10am, $15 - open to your mystery - as the veil thins and the mist clears, step into your mystery and expand into all that you are. As you blossom, your treasures, your jewel will release joy, compassion, unconditional love and all your answers. Listen, watch and feel your heart open to you.

 Life is sacred. Sacred in the way that it is the animator of your soul. Life is your body, it is a manifestation of you…. If you can create your body, there is no end to what you can create…….. Breath in the breathe of life - be present in each moment, you are free to be who you are, feel into the essence of you, the larger part of you …. The divine, the grace, the you that you are……….feel into this eternal, ever expanding wonderment of you and know a knowingness of your truth - Bliss and joy. Om Shanti, Denise♥
Image: A silent whisper by Toni Carmine Salerno

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